What improvements to Morpheus.Network marketing would you suggest? Please comment for other ideas!
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First Choice
Share supply chain problems/solutions that are yet to be implemented.
Introduce a dashboard for platform usage (immediately with beta masternode start)
Provide a regular progress update on the masternode test program
Video interviews with customers and partners
Fully explain $MNW token and elaborate on uniqueness of Morpheus.Network masternodes
Faster and consistent announcements in all social media channels
Officially introduce new team members (in a video, medium article, Twitter)
Marketing/Team should engage with us in Telegram and directly answer questions of members
Improve the website, keep it up-to-date, mobile-friendly and more dynamic; add search website
Make a series of demos to explain how the platform works
Airdop Morpheus.Network NFT's for unique events (e.g. first wave of masternode runners)
Release information when it is the time, and only hype dates when everything is done
Last Choice
Poll created Thu Apr 28 2022 10:21:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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